Hotels often offer more than just comfortable lodging and entertainment. They often provide conference halls for local events as well. Conference halls are often used for business meetings, corporate presentations, business parties and more. Conference halls in hotels are basically large empty rooms that host a variety of events. In conference halls, carpets are used to help pad the floor which greatly reduces the sound of footsteps and sound. However, conference hall carpets are often exposed to high foot traffic and are prone to premature wear which often calls for all too frequent carpet replacements. Carpet replacement often takes time as well as additional costs for new carpets. Now there is a better way to maintain clean and fresh looking carpet without the cost or time of carpet replacements. Carpet Dye-Tech will share how to extend the life of carpet in hotel conference halls and save both time and money.
Carpet Dyeing VS Replacement
Hotels don’t just make their money on renting out rooms. Many also make their money by renting out their conference hall or center for various business events. Conference rooms are frequently requested and often events are back-to-back with only a short amount of time for cleaning and proper carpet care in between. As carpet wears down, often the conference room will need to be closed for an extended period of time in order for the carpet to be removed, the subfloor prepped for new carpet, and fresh carpet installed. It is essential that the conference room or hall maintain a pristine appearance or they may lose business. However, closing the conference room to install new carpet also costs the hotel potential profits. This is where carpet dye services can help.
Carpet Dyeing Spray Process
Carpet dye services not only help maintain carpets but can also restore carpets. Full room carpet dyeing can restore carpet in conference rooms in a couple of ways. First, carpets are thoroughly cleaned and the color restored with carpet dyeing. Carpet color is revived by adding small amounts of dye back into the carpet. Carpet can be re-dyed its original color or dyed a different, darker color if the hotel wishes for change. Carpet dye can restore dull or faded carpet and stained carpets, including those with bleach spots.
Carpet Dye Contractors More Time Efficient
The carpet in conference rooms can be restored with carpet dyeing services. However, there are even more benefits. Full room carpet dyeing can be done much quicker than carpet replacements. Depending on the size of the room and the type or style of carpet in the conference room, the carpet can be restored within a few hours. Note that multi-colored carpets with patterns will take longer to dye. However, carpet dyeing is far more time-efficient than carpet replacement which means the conference room doesn’t need to be closed for long periods of time. More good news—carpet dyeing is far more affordable than carpet replacement.
Carpet Dyeing, Bleach Spot Removal & More in Savannah, GA, Wilmington, NC, Charleston, SC, Chattanooga, TN, Birmingham, AL, Gulfport, MS, Shreveport, LA, Jacksonville, FL & Beyond
When a hotel relies on their conference room for additional income and business, it is natural to want to have beautiful, clean looking carpet without the time and money carpet replacements cost. For hotels who need help restoring their conference room carpet and more, contact Carpet Dye-Tech and schedule our services today.