Bleach spots are one of the worst things that can happen to carpets. Bleach spots are not like stains that can be washed out. A bleach spot is permanent as the bleach has stripped out the color in the carpet. You cannot easily fix a bleach spot when it develops on the carpets. However, you don’t need to attempt to use any crazy DIY methods to repair the bleach nor do you have to live with the bleach spot. Bleach spots can be quickly and perfectly repaired with professional bleach spot repair services. Carpet Dye-Tech will walk you through the steps of a professional bleach spot repair.
How Do You Clean & Neutralize Bleach Spots on Carpet?
When you have bleach spots on your carpet, contacting a professional bleach repair service will be the best and very first step you should take in reclaiming your carpets. Once the bleach spot repair service arrives you will want to show them the site of the bleach spot or spots. They will need to evaluate the bleach spots to determine if they will require further bleaching. In some cases, the bleaching was mild and some pigment remained in the carpet. To ensure quality bleach spot repairs, the bleach spot may need to be bleached more. If needed, the bleach spot repair specialist will finish bleaching out the site. Once the bleach spot site is ready for repair, the next step is to clean the bleach spot site and neutralize the bleach. Bleach, even when the carpet is dry, will remain active. If the bleach in the carpet isn’t neutralized then the new dye will not take hold of the carpet and the repairs will fail. Once the site has been thoroughly cleaned and the bleach neutralized, the next step is to create the dye.
Perfect Color Match Carpet Dyeing
The created dyes are non-toxic and are organic in nature. Often a carpet dye repair service will come prepared with red, blue, and yellow dyes. They will mix the right amount of each color to create the same color as your carpet. Carpet dyes are made on site for a couple of reasons. One is that you can never find the perfect color of a premixed dye to match your carpet. This is because carpet manufactures don’t sell their dyes and their dye formulas are constantly changing. Because you can never find a perfect matching premade dye formula, the carpet dye specialist must create it themselves.
Carpet Dyeing to Put Color Back
Once the dye has been mixed, it is ready to be applied. When applying the dye it is often done with a syringe or a dropper. The dye must be applied in small and controlled amounts. Too much dye and the bleach spot repair will appear darker. Too little dye and the site will appear lighter. The right amount of dye must be applied so the repair matches the rest of the carpet. The dye is slowly applied and blended into the carpet. Once the dye dries out, the dye will not rub away or transfer onto other services.
Carpet Dyeing, Bleach Spot Repair & More in Savannah, GA, Wilmington, NC, Charleston, SC, Chattanooga, TN, Birmingham, AL, Gulfport, MS, Shreveport, LA, Jacksonville, FL & Beyond
It is important that bleach spots are repaired properly to ensure quality repairs. When you need perfect quality bleach spot repairs, contact Carpet Dye-Tech today.